ScaleOps Best Practices

6 Steps to a '0 Sync Error' HubSpot & Salesforce Integration

Written by Netanel Spitz | Aug 11, 2024 7:06:00 AM


If you’re using HubSpot for Marketing and Salesforce for Sales (or are planning to), this article is for you. See how you can get the most out of your systems both strategically and technically.

Integrating HubSpot with Salesforce is more than just a technical task—it's a strategic move that can improve your sales and marketing operations. This integration allows for seamless data flow between your marketing and sales processes, ensuring both teams are aligned. In this article, we’ll explore the methodology behind a successful HubSpot and Salesforce integration, combining strategic planning with practical steps to guide you through the process.

Having a solid integration matters

To have a solid view of the customer journey, you need your systems properly integrated:

  •  Unified Customer Data: Sync marketing and sales data for a comprehensive view of customer interactions. Data fragments aren’t usable. You need a single source of truth with reports you can trust. 
  • Enhanced Lead Management: Ensure leads captured in HubSpot flow smoothly to Salesforce with all necessary details for sales to convert the lead.
  • Streamlined Processes: Reduce manual data entry and errors by automating workflows across platforms.
  • Improved Reporting: With consolidated data, your reports can accurately reflect the full funnel for actionable insights.

6 steps to integration success!

Now that we know the ‘why’, let’s talk about the ‘how’. Here are our 6 steps to integrate your systems from scratch or clean up an existing integration:

  1. Define Your Integration Objectives

Set Clear Goals: Before starting, outline what you aim to achieve with the integration. Common goals include improving lead conversion rates, enhancing data accuracy, and streamlining processes. Clearly defined objectives will help guide the entire integration process.

Identify Key Data Points: Determine which data fields and properties need to be synced. Typically, this includes contacts, leads, opportunities, and marketing metrics. Knowing what data is crucial ensures that nothing important is overlooked.

  1. Conduct a Data Audit and Mapping

Review Data Fields: Conduct a thorough audit of data fields in both HubSpot and Salesforce. Identify which fields in HubSpot correspond to fields in Salesforce and how they should be mapped. This step is essential for ensuring that data is transferred accurately between systems.

Create a Mapping Document: Develop a detailed mapping document that outlines how HubSpot properties translate to Salesforce fields. This document will serve as a guide during the configuration process and help ensure consistency in data handling.

You may have to create new properties/fields inside HubSpot and Salesforce to match the data structure in the other platform. 

  1. Determine Sync Rules

Define Sync Rules: Decide on the sync rules. Options include:

  • One-way sync (Salesforce to HubSpot)
  • Two-way sync.
  • Don’t sync

Establish criteria for when data updates occur and how conflicts between data in the two systems are resolved.

Field Type and Sync Rules: Specify the field types and sync rules for each property. For example, determine whether to prefer data from HubSpot, Salesforce, or implement a two-way sync based on the type of data field (text, dropdown, number).

Pro tip: not everything needs to be synced! Connect the fields and objects that are needed across marketing, sales, and CS, that will be helpful for your day-to-day operations and/or you’ll want to report on together.

  1. Implement the Integration

Configure Integration Settings: Set up the integration based on your mapping document and sync rules. Ensure all fields are correctly mapped and sync rules are applied. 

Perform Initial Tests: Use a sandbox environment to test the integration. Verify that data transfers accurately and that workflows function as expected. Testing in a controlled environment helps identify and resolve issues before going live.

  1. Monitor and Adjust

Track Performance: Continuously monitor the performance of the integration. Look for any discrepancies or issues in data sync and evaluate whether the integration meets your objectives.

Adjust as Needed: Based on performance data and user feedback, make adjustments to the integration. Regularly review the integration to ensure it continues to align with your business needs and goals.

  1. Maintain and Adapt

Regular Maintenance: Perform regular checks to ensure the integration remains functional. Regular maintenance helps prevent issues and ensures data consistency.

Adapt to Changes: Stay updated on changes to HubSpot and Salesforce. Adapt your integration as needed to accommodate new features or updates in either platform.

Now it's your turn...

A successful HubSpot and Salesforce integration requires a strategic approach that combines clear objectives with a structured methodology. By defining your goals, conducting a thorough data audit, determining sync rules, and continuously monitoring and optimizing, you can achieve a seamless integration that enhances both marketing and sales efforts. This way you can be sure your integration supports your business objectives and ultimately empowers your marketing and sales teams. 

Looking to integrate HubSpot and Salesforce? Our expert team has performed dozens of integrations and we’re happy to chat about how we can lead you through the process. Book a call here.