Product-Led Growth (PLG) in HubSpot? Here’s how we do it

Shlomi Gani, our Revenue Operations Pro and HubSpot certified trainer, shows us a process he built for a PLG client.

When working with PLGs, it is so important to AUTOMATE.

Businesses have a high volume of users and a limited number of salespeople. We're here to help save salespeople time by making sure that they only speak to the most qualified accounts. Often, salespeople spend their valuable time going through leads to find ones that actually make sense for them to work with. This can be a waste of energy and resources, and there are ways around it.

Automation is key

How do we do it? By identifying the exact buyer persona.

You have many users to convert into paying customers, however you also have limited sales time. This is where the need for lots of automation comes in.

Identifying buyer personas is so important for ALL our clients, but specifically with PLGs. Knowing exactly who to qualify is crucial so that sales speak to the users with the highest probability to convert to high-paid customers.

Step 1: Identifying the triggers that turn a free user into an opportunity.

This can be based on:

  • Company size
  • Product usage
  • Combo of demographics and activity

For example, for one of our clients, these high-qualified and high-quality leads came from live marketing events - a specific activity that the users took.

Step 2: Build out the workflows to automate deal creation

In the case of our PLG client:

  • Trigger - Users join a high-intent event
  • Result - New opportunity!

This step brought about one more problem:

HubSpot doesn't have a good native feature to track events. So, Shlomi built a process to properly capture marketing events, and automate the deal creation process.

Have a look at the workflow and association between objects design that we created and implemented for this PLG client:

Marketing events

We also designed a custom object for Marketing events and event registration. Here's the properties we included in them:

Marketing events

If you’d like to learn about how you can use HubSpot to boost your PLG strategy, let's talk.

Penina Shtauber

Penina Shtauber

Director of Marketing @ ScaleOps


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