New Accreditation: HubSpot CRM Implementation Certified

It is the most difficult HubSpot partner certification to receive, but after our experience with large-scale implementations, we knew we had to apply for it - the CRM Implementation Accreditation. 🏆

The application took 3 rounds, including interviews and case studies.

Our team documented the journey they took with their clients, turning their system into a growth machine. We shared our first-hand experience, using documentation from our projects, and a video covering the full end-to-end experience showing our success stories.

And it all paid off.

This accreditation is a credential that validates the skills and strategic experience required to implement the HubSpot CRM platform with large enterprise customers.

In addition to product-specific knowledge, it required skills and experience in project and stakeholder management, change management, and professionalism throughout the sales and discovery processes.

We'd like to thank HubSpot, our incredible ScaleOps team, and most importantly, our clients for trusting in us to bring you success.

Rose Penhasi

Rose Penhasi

Founder and CEO @ ScaleOps


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