HubSpot Help Desk in Hebrew: A Case Study

Have you tried HubSpot’s help desk yet? It's a new workspace for service teams that combines the ticket tool and inbox, making the service process easier to manage together from one place.

Our Client's Challenge

Our client, an Israeli company, hires a seasonal service team to handle the busy holiday period. This surge in customer service needs means they bring on additional staff who are not always familiar with the English terminology used in HubSpot. To ensure these seasonal workers can hit the ground running, it's crucial that their tools are as intuitive and accessible as possible.

The Solution: Customizing HubSpot in Hebrew

We customized the right-hand sidebar of HubSpot's help desk, which shows all the information an agent needs about a customer to provide good support. This sidebar is shows all the information an agent needs about a customer to provide effective support. It can be customized to include object associations and relevant properties.

For our client, we made sure all the associations and properties in the sidebar were listed in Hebrew. This made the dashboard easier to use for the seasonal workers, helping them get started quickly.

This localization effort helps the seasonal staff quickly understand and navigate the system, allowing them to provide efficient and effective customer support right from the start. By having the dashboard in their native language, the team can focus on resolving customer issues without the added challenge of translating terms and instructions on the fly. 

Our solution included the following:

  1. Language Localization: We translated all object associations and properties into Hebrew. This included customer details, ticket statuses, and any custom fields the client used. By doing this, we ensured that the seasonal staff could understand every aspect of their workspace without any language barriers.

  2. Custom Properties: We added custom properties that were specific to the client’s needs. This might include unique customer identifiers, specific product information, or other details that are particularly relevant to their business.

  3. User-Friendly Layout: We organized the sidebar to prioritize the most important information. Key customer details were placed at the top, with less critical information further down. This layout helps agents quickly find what they need without scrolling through unnecessary details.

  4. Training and Onboarding: We provided a short training session to familiarize the seasonal workers with the customized dashboard. This included a quick walkthrough of the new Hebrew interface and tips on how to use the features effectively.

By making these adjustments, we transformed HubSpot’s help desk into a tool that was not only functional but also easy to use for a team that needed to get up to speed quickly. The language localization ensured there were no misunderstandings or delays caused by language issues. The intuitive layout meant that even new staff could become productive in a very short time.

Best Practices and Recommendations

While it’s helpful to customize HubSpot for local teams, we also suggest getting familiar with the English terms used in the system, no matter what your native language as you’ll be using the terminology across the entire system. In this case, with seasonal workers, creating a local language dashboard was the perfect solution for the teams to get onboarded ASAP.

Share Your Experience

Do you use any other Hebrew features in HubSpot? We’d love to hear about your experiences! Share your thoughts in the comments below.

This case study shows how customizing HubSpot’s help desk to fit local language needs can greatly improve team efficiency and onboarding speed. For more tips and insights on using HubSpot’s features, stay tuned to our blog.

Penina Shtauber

Penina Shtauber

Director of Marketing @ ScaleOps


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