Data Management Best Practices for Salesforce Users

Data Management in Salesforce

We recently released a Salesforce audit guide. Continuing with this theme, we connected with Daniel Milstein @ to share an article on best practices for data management as a Salesforce user.

Managing data well in Salesforce is important for any business. Good data practices help teams work better and make smarter choices. Customer relationship management systems like Salesforce need clean, accurate data to be useful.

Salesforce users should follow some basic rules for data management. These include keeping information up-to-date, removing duplicates, and setting clear guidelines for data entry. By following these tips, companies can get more value from their Salesforce system and improve their customer relationships.

What is Salesforce Data Structure

Salesforce organizes data in a specific way to help users manage customer information efficiently. This structure includes objects, fields, relationships, and layouts that work together to store and display data.

Objects and Fields

Objects in Salesforce are like tables in a database. They hold specific types of information. For example, the Account object stores data about companies you work with. Each object has fields, which are like columns in a table. Standard objects come pre-built in Salesforce. These include:

  • Accounts
  • Contacts
  • Opportunities
  • Leads

Custom objects can be created to fit your business needs. For instance, you might make a "Project" object to track client projects. Fields store different types of data within objects. Common field types are:

  • Text
  • Number
  • Date
  • Checkbox
  • Picklist (dropdown)

Relationships and Joins

Relationships connect different objects in Salesforce. This allows users to see related information easily. There are three main types of relationships:

  1. Lookup: A one-way link between objects. For example, a Contact can be linked to an Account.
  2. Master-Detail: A tight link where the "detail" record depends on the "master". If you delete the master, all related detail records are also removed.
  3. Many-to-Many: Connects objects that have multiple relationships to each other. This uses a junction object to link the two main objects.

Record Types and Page Layouts

Record types allow you to show different fields and picklist values based on the specific record. For example, you might have different record types for personal and business accounts.

Page layouts control how fields appear on record pages. You can create multiple layouts for each object. This lets you show different information to different users based on their role or needs. Key features of page layouts include:

  • Sections to group related fields
  • Custom buttons and links
  • Related lists showing connected records

Data Quality Assurance

Good data quality is the backbone of effective Salesforce use. It helps businesses make better decisions and serve customers well. Clean, accurate data boosts user trust and system adoption.

De-duplication Tactics

Duplicate records can cause confusion and waste time. CRM software needs clean data to work well. Salesforce offers tools to find and merge duplicate records. Use matching rules to spot potential duplicates. These rules can compare fields like name, email, and phone number. Set up duplicate rules to alert users when they try to create a duplicate record.

For existing duplicates, run reports to find them. Then use the merge tool to combine records. This keeps the best data from each record. Train your team on how to avoid making duplicates in the first place.

Data Validation Rules

Validation rules help keep data clean from the start. They stop users from saving bad data. For example, a rule can make sure phone numbers have the right format. Create rules for important fields like email addresses and zip codes. 

Use formulas to check data as it's entered. If the data doesn't meet the rules, show a helpful error message. Test your rules before turning them on. Make sure they work for all cases. Don't make rules too strict or they might frustrate users. Balance data quality with ease of use.

Audit Trails and Monitoring

Tracking changes helps maintain data quality over time. Salesforce keeps logs of who changes what and when. This creates an audit trail for your data.

Set up field history tracking for important objects. This lets you see how data changes over time. Use reports to check data quality regularly. Look for missing fields or odd values. Create dashboards to show data quality metrics. This helps spot issues quickly. Train admins to review these reports and fix problems.


Data Governance Policies

Good data governance policies help Salesforce users manage data effectively. These policies cover access controls, compliance rules, and usage guidelines.

Role-Based Data Access

Role-based access control limits who can view and edit data in Salesforce. Admins set up user roles and profiles to match job functions. This helps protect sensitive info and prevents unauthorized changes.

Different roles get different levels of access. For example, sales reps may only see their own accounts. Managers can view their team's data. Executives get a broader view of company-wide info. Clear policies should outline who can access what. Regular audits check if access rights are correct. When employees change jobs, their access needs updating.

Compliance and Regulations

Many industries have strict rules about data handling. Salesforce users must follow laws like GDPR, HIPAA, or financial regulations. Policies should explain how to meet legal requirements. This includes getting consent to collect data and storing it properly. Rules for data retention and deletion are also important.

Companies can use Salesforce tools to help with compliance. For example, they can track data changes and generate audit reports. Regular data audits help spot issues before they become problems.

Data Usage Policies

Clear rules for how to use Salesforce data help maintain quality. Policies should cover data entry, updates, and sharing. Guidelines might include:

  • How to format names and addresses
  • When to merge duplicate records
  • Rules for sharing data outside the company

Training helps staff understand these policies. Regular reminders keep good habits in place. Some companies use validation rules in Salesforce to enforce standards automatically. Data quality tools can check for issues like missing fields or incorrect formats. This helps keep data clean and useful.

Data Importing Strategies

Bringing data into Salesforce requires careful planning and execution. Proper techniques help maintain data quality and accuracy during the import process. The right tools and methods make data migration smoother and more efficient.

Data Migration Best Practices

Start by identifying the data you want to migrate. Choose which objects to transfer, like contacts or accounts. Create templates for each object using a data export from your current system. Clean and standardize your data before importing. Remove duplicates and fix formatting issues. Map fields from your source system to Salesforce to ensure data lands in the right places.

Test your import process with a small sample set first. This helps catch any issues before moving large amounts of data. After importing, verify the data's accuracy and completeness in Salesforce.

Import Wizard Usage

The Salesforce Import Wizard is a user-friendly tool for smaller data sets. It works well for importing standard objects like accounts, contacts, and leads.

To use the wizard, select the object you want to import. Choose whether to add new records, update existing ones, or both. Then, map your source fields to Salesforce fields.

The wizard allows you to preview data before finalizing the import. This step helps catch mapping errors. After importing, review the results summary to check for any issues.

Working with Data Loader

Data Loader is ideal for larger, more complex data sets. It can handle millions of records and works with both standard and custom objects. Data Loader offers more advanced features than the Import Wizard. It supports both inserting new records and updating existing ones. You can also use it to delete or export data.

To use Data Loader, prepare a CSV file with your data. Set up field mappings between your file and Salesforce. Run the import process and monitor its progress. After completion, check the log files for any errors or warnings.

Effective Data Exporting and Reporting

Salesforce gives users tools to get insights from their data. Reports and dashboards show important info at a glance. Scheduled exports let teams share data on a regular basis.

Creating Reports and Dashboards

Reports in Salesforce give a detailed view of your data. You can make reports on leads, contacts, or any other object. To start, go to the Reports tab and click "New Report". Pick the type of data you want to see. Then add filters to narrow down the results.

Dashboards show data from reports in charts and graphs. This makes it easy to spot trends. To make a dashboard, go to the Dashboards tab and click "New Dashboard". Add components from your reports. You can use bar charts, pie charts, or tables.

Scheduled Exports

Scheduled exports let you send Salesforce data to others on a set schedule. This is useful for sharing updates with your team or other systems. To set up a scheduled export:

  1. Go to Setup
  2. Search for "Data Export"
  3. Click "Schedule Export"
  4. Pick which objects to export
  5. Choose how often to send the data

You can export data daily, weekly, or monthly. The exports come as CSV files that you can open in Excel or other programs. Remember to check who can access the exported data. Data privacy is important when sharing info outside of Salesforce.

Data Security and Backup Solutions

Protecting and preserving Salesforce data is critical for businesses. Strong security measures and regular backups help prevent data loss and unauthorized access.

Security Models

Salesforce offers multiple security layers to protect data. User authentication is the first line of defense. Multi-factor authentication adds an extra verification step, making it harder for hackers to gain access.

Role-based access controls limit what users can see and do. Admins can set up profiles and permission sets to grant the right level of access to each user. This prevents unauthorized changes and protects sensitive information.

Data encryption is another important security feature. Salesforce encrypts data both at rest and in transit. This means data is scrambled when stored and when sent over networks, keeping it safe from prying eyes.

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Backup Techniques

Regular backups are necessary to recover from data loss. Salesforce offers several backup options. The Data Export Service allows manual or scheduled backups of data through the Salesforce interface. This creates CSV files of your data that you can store securely.

For more robust protection, Salesforce's Backup and Restore service automatically backs up data and can quickly restore it if needed. This paid add-on provides peace of mind for organizations with large amounts of critical data.

Third-party backup solutions are also available. These often offer more frequent backups and faster restore times. They can be a good choice for companies with complex data needs or strict compliance requirements.

Managing Large Data Volumes in Salesforce

Salesforce users often face challenges when dealing with large amounts of data. Proper management techniques can help maintain system performance and efficiency.

Archiving Strategies

Archiving old data is important for keeping Salesforce running smoothly. Users can move less active records to Big Objects, which store huge amounts of information without slowing down the system. Another option is using external storage solutions to hold historical data.

Regular data cleanup helps too. Setting up automated processes to archive or delete outdated records can prevent clutter. It's smart to keep only the most relevant and recent data in active use. When removing large amounts of data, the Bulk API hard delete option works best. This method is faster and more efficient for deleting over a million records at once.

Performance Considerations

Large data volumes can slow down Salesforce if not managed well. To keep things running fast, it's important to design the data model carefully. Avoiding data skew, where too many child records link to one parent, helps maintain good performance.

Using indexed fields in reports and queries can speed up data retrieval. It's also helpful to limit the number of fields in list views and reports to only what's necessary. Batch processing for large data operations can prevent system overload. Breaking big jobs into smaller chunks allows Salesforce to handle them more easily.

User Training and Support

Good training and support help Salesforce users get the most out of the system. Well-prepared users can work more efficiently and make fewer mistakes.

Training Programs

Effective training programs are important for Salesforce success. They should cover basic and advanced features of the platform. Training can be done in person or through online courses.

Some companies use a mix of methods to teach their staff. This can include video tutorials, hands-on workshops, and written guides. It's helpful to tailor training to different user roles.

Regular refresher courses keep users up-to-date with new features. These can be short sessions focused on specific tools or updates. Encouraging users to earn Salesforce certifications can boost their skills and confidence.

Onboarding Best Practices

A smooth onboarding process sets new users up for success. It's good to start with an overview of how Salesforce fits into the company's workflow. This helps users understand why the system is important.

Create a checklist of tasks for new users to complete. This might include setting up their profile, learning about data entry rules, and practicing common tasks. Assign a mentor to each new user for personal guidance.

Provide quick reference guides for common procedures. These can be printed or digital. Set up a way for new users to ask questions easily, like a dedicated chat channel or email address.


Data Management Tools and Resources

Salesforce offers a variety of tools and resources to help users manage their data. These include built-in features and third-party options available through AppExchange.

Salesforce AppExchange

AppExchange is Salesforce's marketplace for apps and solutions. It has many data management tools to help users clean, enrich, and analyze their data. Some popular AppExchange tools include:

  • Clean: Automatically updates and enriches account, contact, and lead records
  • DemandTools: Offers mass update, dedupe, and data cleansing features
  • GridBuddy: Provides a spreadsheet-like interface for editing Salesforce data
  • Cloudingo: Helps find and merge duplicate records

These apps can save time and improve data quality. They often have free trials, so users can test them before buying.

Third-Party Data Tools

Many external tools work well with Salesforce for data management. Some top options are:

  • Informatica: Offers data integration and quality tools
  • Talend: Provides data integration, quality, and governance solutions
  • Tableau: Allows for advanced data visualization and analytics
  • Trifacta: Helps prepare and clean data for analysis

These tools can handle large amounts of data and complex processes. They often have features like data mapping, transformation, and validation. Some third-party tools focus on specific tasks. For example, address verification or email validation. Others offer broader data management capabilities.

Evaluating Data Management Success

Tracking the right metrics helps gauge how well Salesforce data management efforts are working. Some useful measures include:

  • Data accuracy rate 
  • Completeness of records 
  • Duplicate record count 
  • Data entry errors 
  • User adoption rates

Regular data audits can spot issues early. Many companies do quarterly or monthly checks of their Salesforce data quality. Data auditing may involve manual reviews or automated tools. 

Setting clear standards for accuracy and completeness is important when evaluating data. User feedback also provides valuable insights. Surveys and interviews can reveal pain points in working with Salesforce data. Monitoring system performance metrics helps too. Things like:

  • Page load times
  • Report generation speed
  • Search result accuracy

Salesforce's built-in tools can assist with measuring data quality. The Clean features help find and fix incomplete or outdated records. Comparing current metrics to past benchmarks shows progress over time. Tracking trends helps spot areas needing more attention.


Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s cover the most common questions regarding data management strategy in Salesforce.

What are the key components of an effective data management strategy in Salesforce?

An effective Salesforce data management strategy includes data quality control, security measures, and user access policies. Regular data backups and consistent data entry standards are important. Proper use of Salesforce objects and fields helps organize information logically. Implementing validation rules prevents incorrect data from being entered.

How does Salesforce's built-in data management tools enhance data quality?

Salesforce provides tools like duplicate management and data validation rules to improve data quality. These features catch errors before they enter the system. Data cleansing tools help identify and fix existing data issues. Reporting features allow users to spot trends and anomalies in their data.

What best practices should be followed for maintaining high data quality in Salesforce?

Regular data audits and cleansing routines help maintain data quality. Establishing clear data entry guidelines for all users is important. Limiting data access based on user roles prevents unauthorized changes. Using picklists and validation rules ensures consistent data entry.

How does implementing Salesforce Master Data Management improve enterprise data coherence?

Master Data Management in Salesforce creates a single source of truth for important business data. This reduces duplicate records and inconsistencies across departments. It allows for better data governance and improves reporting accuracy. Master Data Management also helps maintain data standards across integrated systems.

What certifications are available to demonstrate proficiency in Salesforce data management?

Salesforce offers several certifications related to data management. The Salesforce Certified Administrator credential covers basic data management concepts. More advanced options include the Salesforce Certified Data Architect and Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Administrator certifications.

In what ways can Salesforce Trailhead be used to improve data management skills?

Salesforce Trailhead offers free online courses on data management topics. Users can complete modules on data modeling, data quality, and integration. Hands-on projects in Trailhead allow users to practice data management skills in a safe environment. Trailhead badges demonstrate completed learning on specific data management topics.


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